Barbara West to Caroll Loomis

Barbara West to Caroll LoomisThe name I have chosen for this basket is "Circle of Life" Life is like a circle that revolves around, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not so good. I believe that we are put here for a purpose and the things that happen to us is a learning experience.

The white in this basket, represents the good in our life The black represent the darkest hours. The different colors represent all of the beauty that surround our life, if we just will look for it. All things pass, good and bad or in between.

I have enjoyed the learning experience of making this basket, I have always admired the designs in the Hobie Navajo and other Indian basket. I am trying to incorporate my own style by using designs or pictures.---Barbara Barbara West to Caroll LoomisBarbara West to Caroll Loomis Pine Needle Group Logo, created by Carol Antrim