Gourd by Don Weekedyed needles by Candy Kruger 
waiting to be purchased

The Arboretum Event, LA Gourd Fair 2001
by Leigh Adams

The Arboretum Event, LA Gourd Fair 2001 was a resounding success. Several group members were there or were represented.

Here is some of the coiling work. I couldn't get to other things that were equally or more (if that's possible!) spectacular.

Everyone gave verbal permission for you to use their work.

Plan on attending the LA Gourd Fair 2002!

Antler basket by Kathi Klopfenstein

Antler baskets by Kathi Klopfenstein

Antler basket by Kathi Klopfenstein

Antler Gourd by Toni Best

Antler Gourd by Toni Best

Gourds by Mary Pryor

Gourds by Mary Pryor

Mary Pryors' booth
Don Weeke Gourds<

Gourds by Don Weeke

Gourds by Don Weeke
Huge Gourd by Don Weeke

Huge Gourd by Don Weeke

Candy Krugers booth with the rainbow of pine needles
Plan on attending the LA Gourd Fair 2002! another gorgeous coiled piece by Kathi Klopfenstein!, this one has graced her gallery for some time, and won awards!

Pine Needle Group Logo, created by Carol Antrim