The Basket Bunch: Persis Suddeth's Baskets
![Persis shows off two small basket pouches, which hang on the wall](persis.jpg)
Persis shows off two small basket pouches, which hang on the wall. The one on the left is made of a sheet of bark. The other is woven from bark or catalpa
pod strips.
![More of Persis' baskets](persisbaskets.jpg)
The colored baskets are all from the natural dye session--blackberry,
pokeberry, maybe blueberry, goldenrod, onionskin. The brown one is a
natural something--I don't want to guess what it might be--but will
anyhow--maybe bittersweet. Other dyes used included purple loosestrife and spices. Twenty or more dyebaths were prepared, exclusively from plants collection in Maryland. Each person collected what they could and shared with the group, with twenty or more resultant dyebaths!
Potato baskets by Persis Suddeth:
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