Coiled by KJ Hartsog for Kendra K. Davis
I can not believe how beautiful the two items I received from Karyl Jo Hartsog are. I opened the box to find a Pineneedle frame that has natural, indigo, red and green pine needles in stripes, I thought that this item was my exchange and was pleased but I then realized that there was a basket still in the box! This basket is an example of excellent craftsmanship..... and it is Gorgeous. It is made in the same color scheme as the frame but the colors swirl up from the bottom in 6-7 stitch stripes. The start of this basket is incredible Karyl Jo started it with stitches so small that I had to put my cheaters on in order to see what she had done. To top the whole thing off the basket is finished with what I believe is palm effluence (or really knarly sticks). I feel truly spoiled.