Leigh Adams
to Shelly Weis
 Shannon Uriona
to Nancy Gildersleeve
 Karyl Jo Hartsog
to Leigh Adams
Judi Shaw
to Dolores Gatz

Toni Best
to Cookie Cala
Sue Cowell
to Jeanne Williams
 Carol Miller
to Judi Shaw
 Renee Skiba
to Shannon Uriona
 Shelly Weis
to Pamela Zimmerman
 Pamela Zimmerman
to Toni Best
 Kendra Davis
to Jean Powell
 Jean Powell
to Kendra Davis
Nora Voss to Carol Miller
 Helen A. Peterson
to Nora Voss
 Cookie Cala
to Sue Cowell

Dolores Gatz
to Karyl Jo
 Nancy Gildersleeve
to Helen A. Peterson
 Jeanne Williams
to Renee Skiba