Jeanne Williams
to Lin Karrels
 Jeanie Pfantz to
Jamie McGuire
 Dolores Gatz
to Susan Butts
 Lin Karrels to
Pauline Rose
 Lynn Hoyt to
Nancy Gildersleeve
 Pamela Zimmerman
to Sue Cowell
 Kendra K. Davis
to Susan Butts
 Barbara West
to Dolores Gatz
 Pauline Rose to
Kendra K. Davis
 Jeanne Williams to
Pamela Zimmerman
 Susan Butts
to Lynn Hoyt
 Fran Amos to
Jeanne Williams
 Nancy Gildersleeve
to Kathy Awbrey
 Carol Miller to
Nella Johnson
 Nella Johnson to Jeanie Pfantz
 Kathy Awbrey to Barbara West
 Jamie Mc Guire
to Carol Miller
 Sue Cowell
to Fran Amos